Smart investing
is for everyone

Franc is a simple and easy-to-use app that'll have you investing like a pro in minutes.

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Meet our Founders

What happens when an engineer and an actuary want to solve the same problem!

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Our Mission

Investing is for rich guys in suits and fancy cars, right? Absolutely not! We believe that investing is for everyone.

Franc was born in 2018 when an engineer, an actuary, an investment guru and a tech wizz shared a common idea of making investing affordable, accessible and social.

With the Franc app, anyone can now invest in leading cash and equity funds in just a few minutes. No minimums. No paperwork. No fine print. Just the way investing should be: smart, simple and Franc.

We believe everyone should be able to access the best investments.

Dr Thomas Brennan

CEO and Co-founder

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What not to do on payday

It is payday for some people. 💸💰💳 Remember to pay yourself and invest your money in your Franc account. 😎

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The team is growing

Welcome to some of our new Franc team members. Rele is working with the Growth Team. Cameron, Jamal and Murendeni are our new software engineering interns. Thank you for all you that you have already brought to the Franc Family. #BeFranc



Are you in control of your finances?

Do you have long term financial goals that you are working towards? Have you set up an emergency fund? If not, there is no need to panic. Just download Franc and we will get you on the right path.

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The struggle is real

Hands up if you are feeling personally victimized by the most recent petrol increase?

Want to work with us?

Changing the world is always more fun when you do it with other people

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